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Pinal County Parenting Plan Lawyer

Pinal County Parenting Plan Lawyer affection baby baby girl beautiful 377058 300x199If you’re a parent arranging a legal separation or divorce with your spouse, both of you might also be thinking about whose parent’s custody should your child be placed from the day of approval up to the many years ahead. Decision-making on behalf of a child should also be considered in processing the plea.

To make parenting time and custody legal in Pinal County, the parents of the child must make a written parenting plan that contains whose custody should be provided to the child and the visitation hours of the other parent. A court-ordered parenting schedule will be the basis of the parents’ rights and obligations to their child.

Call Dodge & Vega, PLC at (480) 559-8252 now for a consultation with law experts.

Parenting Agreement inPinal County

Pinal County Parenting Plan Lawyer woman carrying boy wearing yellow polo shirt 3905790 200x300Pinal County courts prioritize the legal and physical custody of the divorcing parents’ child or children. That is the main reason why parenting agreement in Pinal County, AZ is necessary before approving a divorce or legal separation, etc. Legal custody shapes the parents’ decision about health, finances, education, religion, and lifestyle. Pinal County courts require divorcing couples to reach a parenting agreement before processing the divorce papers to avoid future conflict.

The establishment of the parenting plan seeks to serve the child’s best interests despite the parents’ permanent split. Pinal County court deems parenting plan as the best mediator should conflict arise within the new family setup since parents know their kids best. After the parents’ divorce, everything that is included in the parenting plan will be the basis of parents’ acts and decisions concerning the welfare of their child.

Both parents are permitted to make major life decisions for their child under a joint legal custody arrangement. Meanwhile, the child lives with one full-time parent in a sole physical custody arrangement. This works even if the non-custodial parent has all the rights to visit or shares in the legal custody arrangement.

Child-rearing Decisions

Parents may handle child-rearing decisions through a parenting plan. It primarily recognizes the following:

  • The needs of children develop and grow with their maturity
  • Both parents are to have access to a child’s official records
  • The persistence of the parent-child relationship typically is in the child’s best interest
  • Custodial parents make daily and urgent decisions (including emergencies) while the child is in their custody

Parenting plans also determine how children will spend important occasions such as birthdays and other holidays, transportation arrangements; requirements for supervision; and other considerations.

Elements of Parenting Plan

Arizona Family Law AttorneysThe State of Arizona demands the parenting plan before awarding custody to a parent (AS 25-403.02). It must contain the following elements:

  • Visitation Schedule of the child custody;
  • Statement of each parent’s rights and responsibilities
  • A residential plan or physical custody of the child
  • Provisions on each parent’s involvement in resolving any child-related disputes
  • Periodic view of the parenting plan
  • A statement clarifying that joint custody does not necessarily mean equal parenting time.
  • A plan for appeasement or conciliation

Disagreement in Parenting Plan

If there is a dispute or disagreement between the parents in some parts of the parenting plan, the court shall determine any elements that they cannot agree upon. The court utilizes thorough methods in determining the custody of the child. It can also request advice from professional personnel such as parenting plan lawyer in Pinal County for further insights and recommendations.

The court may also discover the wishes of the child by conducting an interview with him or her in chambers or a private room. To keep the court from personally interviewing your child, you must concede on the written parenting plan that aims to work for your child’s best interests. The State of Arizona handles the protection of the physical well-being, emotional, and mental health of the child with utter care and prioritization.

Legal Support from a Parenting Plan Lawyer

Pinal County Parenting Plan Lawyer dodge vega logo 1 300x50To know more about the parenting plan, and how it will increase the success of divorce being court-approved, hire a parenting plan attorney from Dodge & Vega, PLC. Our Pinal County lawyers are committed to providing the best legal support to clients like you. During this complex process of child custody, we are prepared to guide and assist you towards the approval of the court. Divorce is not a simple matter, and children are the most vulnerable when it comes to dealing with it. Create a parenting plan with the help of our lawyers and serve your child’s best interests.

Call Dodge & Vega, PLC at (480) 559-8252 now for a consultation with our Parenting Plan lawyers!